

Gym workout

Always start your gym workout routines with big muscles groups that are the following: legs, back, chest; small ones – deltoid muscles, biceps and triceps. Here is the descending body parts size list:
1. Legs
2. Back
3. Chest
4. Shoulders
5. Arms
You should take into consideration the fact that many gym workout exercise engage not only a target muscle (muscle group) but also other muscles (muscle groups). For example, you are training your back without even thinking that your biceps muscles are working hard as well. If you schedule biceps exercises for your next gym workout session you risk to over-train these muscles because for them it’ll be the second training in a row. This is the list of small muscles that work together with big ones:
BACK – biceps and rear deltoid muscles
CHEST – triceps and front deltoid muscles
SHOULDERS – triceps

Such gym workout training of antagonist muscles is very effective. Antagonist muscles are such muscles that take opposite effects on our body. By performing a set to engage an antagonist muscle between basic sets you additionally extend a basic training muscle, help it to recover quicker and increase its blood supply. These are examples of  workout antagonist muscle pairs:
quadriceps – hamstrings
back – chest
back – former and middle deltoid muscles (presses)
chest – back deltoid muscles (raises)
bicep – 

From a practical point of view, you shouldn't run to extremes. You should do neither minimum nor maximum quantity of an workout exercise sets: stick to the middle. For example, do 2 warm-up sets, then 3 basic ones – it’ll be enough for the first exercise. So, if your basic weight for 8 reps of Bench Presses is 250 lb  it’ll look something like this;
Bench Presses
120 lb X 15 reps (warm-up)
200 lb X 10 reps (warm-up)
250 lb X 8 reps (the major workout exercise set)
250 lb X 6-8 reps (the 2nd workout exercise set)
200 lb X 10 reps (the last workout exercise set (‘pumping’))

What comes to the following (2nd and 3rd)gym workout exercises, we are not doing two warm-up sets with light weights because our muscles are already warmed up enough. We’ll need only one preliminary light weight set before basic ones in order we feel the movement bio mechanics and get ready psychologically. For example, if our second exercise is Dumbbell Presses it can look like this:
Dumbbell Presses (50 lb and 8 reps (our maximum))
25 lb X 15 reps (warm-up)
50 lb X reps (the major workout exercise set)
50 lb X 8 reps (the 2nd workout exercise set)
25 lb X 15 reps (the last workout exercise set (‘pumping’))

1. The Amount of Weight used
2. Duration of Rest Between Sets and Exercises
3. Repetition Velocity (method and speed of performing exercises)

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